Our school day is 8:45am - 3:15pm (3:20pm for Years 5 and 6). School clubs finish at 4:20pm. Wrap around care is available from 7:45am-4:30pm (up to 6pm on request) Monday to Thursday and 7:45am - 8:45am on Friday.

Ofsted Reports


Our last Ofsted inspection, held in February 2023, confirmed that we are a good school.  During this inspection, it was noted that:

  • School life is strongly underpinned by Christian values
  • Pupils experience a broad and ambitious curriculum. Leaders have thought about exactly what pupils will learn
  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported to access the same curriculum as their peers. Staff understand the needs of these pupils well.
  • Pupils’ behaviour around school and in classrooms is exemplary.
  • The attention that leaders place on the wider development of pupils is a strength of this school.
  • Staff at this school are excited about the range of changes that are being made by new leadership. Leaders have forged strong relationships across the federation.
  • Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe through their curriculum lessons and from visiting speakers. Pupils understand the importance of reporting any concerns they might have. They trust staff to keep them safe.

A copy of the full report can be found below or you can visit the Ofsted website. 

Ofsted | Greenhead Church of England Primary School

This link will also take you to previous Ofsted reports.