Our school day is 8:45am - 3:15pm (3:20pm for Years 5 and 6). School clubs finish at 4:20pm. Wrap around care is available from 7:45am-4:30pm (up to 6pm on request) Monday to Thursday and 7:45am - 8:45am on Friday.

Meet the Staff

Mr Michael Glenton

Executive Headteacher

How long have you worked at the school:
I have been at the school since April 2022.

What you like best about the school:
There is so much to like! The hard-working staff, kind children and our wonderful curriculum which values diversity, our local area, Christianity and outdoor learning, growing and environment to give us a learning which is special and needed for our children.

Favourite book: I loved sharing 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' with my children when I was teaching as it is such an emotive and important story in our current world. I also love Sci-fi books and I have read 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy many times!

Mrs Sherry Makepeace

Assistant Head Teacher & Year 1 and 2 Teacher

How long have you worked at the school:
I have been at Greenhead since 2017.

What you like best about the school:
I enjoy being on the children's learning journey with them and love watching them grow into thoughtful and independent, little people. We are lucky to have such a supportive team of staff who are always willing to help each other.

The area of learning you most enjoy:
I love to teach PE and provide opportunities for all children to try new activities. I also enjoy teaching Geography and RE especially when they can see connections between what they are learning and their own lives. I think it is also important for all young people to understand why we need to look after our wonderful planet.

Favourite book:
You can never get sick of Julia Donaldson books, my children love reading her books and I enjoy sharing them with the class.

Favourite place in school:
Seeing the children enjoying themselves and being creative in the outdoor environment.

Mr Graham Harwood

Year 5 and 6 Teacher

How long have you worked at the school:
I have worked at Greenhead since 2024

What you like best about the school:
The school is so warm and welcoming. I love how all of the children help and support each other. The values of the school are upheld and respected by all and makes it a wonderful place to work.

The area of learning you most enjoy:
I love teaching subjects across the curriculum but particularly love English and reading with the children as well as teaching French!

Favourite book:
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Favourite place in the school:
It is impossible not to choose the classroom because it is where all the magic happens but I love the outdoors, particularly the forest school area!

Mrs Lauren Crawford

Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistant

What do you like best about the school?
I love that the schools within this Federation are small, meaning that it is easier to get to know the children individually and to build relationships with families too. The school is welcoming and friendly and as a new member of staff I feel other staff members are very supportive. The outdoor facilities for the children are also great and very important.

The area of learning you most enjoy:
I am looking forward to experiencing different aspects of learning and am passionate about ensuring the children enjoy learning. The excitement they show when recognising their own abilities and beginning to understand things is inspiring and encourages me to want to help them reach this point. Becoming part of a child's learning journey is a big step in building towards their future, which is a privilege to have.

Favourite book and why:
My favourite children's book is 'Snowball'. Although the story of the snowball starts as a disaster and many unfortunate things happen throughout, the story ends well, resulting in the snowball gaining lots of new friends. I feel this is a lovely way to show the children that not every bad situation has to have a bad ending, positives can come from all situations too.

Favourite place in school:
For me I think the outdoor space, playground, forest area and field will be my favourite places in school. Seeing the children happy, energetic, enjoying time with friends I guarantee will make me smile. Children aren't children for long so to see them investigating the outdoors, whilst enjoying social time with peers is great.

Mrs Stephanie Liddle

Early Years Teaching Assistant

How long have you been at the school:
I have been here since 2023

What I like best about the school:
Everyone is lovely and everyone looks out for each other like a little family

The area of learning I most enjoy:
I actually enjoy it all!

Favourite book:
I love a biography

Favourite place in the school:
Early Years

Miss Ashleigh Cuthbertson

Teaching Assistant

How long have you worked at the school:
I've worked at the school since 2023.

What you like best about the school: The best thing about our school is how small it is, it allows much more 1-1 for the children. In bigger schools, this is not always the case.

The area of learning you most enjoy:
I enjoy being in all year groups, as much as I love working with the younger children, I'm looking forward to working with older children too.

Favourite book: A Kind Of Spark - Elle McNicoll

Mrs Claire Brachtvogel

Early Years Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jayne Coleman

Office Manager

How long have you worked at the school:
I have worked at Greenhead Primary since 2021.

What you like best about the school:
The staff and children who create a great atmosphere.

Favourite book:
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy

Favourite place in school:
The playground, watching and listening to the children playing.

Mrs Jenny Porteous

Year 3 and 4 Teacher

How long have you worked at the school:
I have worked at Greenhead since 2022

What you like best about the school:
Friendly, caring, welcoming atmosphere for visitors, staff, and the children.

The area of learning you most enjoy:
I love teaching P.E and enjoy reading the children's stories in English.

Favourite book:
The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson

Favourite place in the school:
Outside in the playground. It's a great place for the staff and children to go and enjoy the sunshine or take a break.

Mrs Louise Thompson

Reception Class Teacher

How long have you worked at the school:
I have been at Greenhead since 2022

What you like best about the school:
It's hard to pick just one thing! The children and staff are a joy to work with, everyone works together so that every single child and adult can reach their potential. The welcoming aspect of our federation, I like that families can be an active part of their children's learning journey through Together Tuesdays and Workshop Wednesday plus many more celebrations and performances.

The area of learning you most enjoy:
I really enjoy literacy and promoting a love of reading. Through stories the children can make connections with their own experiences, transport themselves to other worlds and let their imagination grow. It is really rewarding to see how children's language skills develop and how their confidence grows in all areas of learning.

Favourite book:
I love the Harry Potter collection. When I was young I remember never wanting to put them down and I could read them over and over again. More recently I enjoy reading books by Julia Donaldson with my daughter.

Favourite place in school:
I like our fantastic outside areas especially the forest area and allotments. It is great to see the children investigate, take risks and experience all that nature has to offer. It's great when children cook with produce that they have planted, looked after and harvested from our allotments, the learning opportunities are endless.

Miss Yvonne Reynolds

Catering assistant

How long have you worked at the school:
I have worked as a kitchen assistant at Henshaw for 6 years, since 2016 and as a cleaner for 5 years.

What you like best about the school:
I enjoy the kitchen part of both schools as I enjoy working with Mrs Hancock at Henshaw Also I like getting to chat with children at dinner time.
Then the same at Greenhead although, I still get to chat with teachers and children when they come for dinners.
The area of learning you most enjoy:

Favourite book:
My favourite books are cook books.

Favourite place in school:

Miss Stacy Eames

Teaching Assistant

How long have you worked at the school:
I have worked at Greenhead since September 2023

What you like best about the school:
I love everything about the school! From the moment I entered the school I was made to feel like part of the family by the staff, children and their families. I absolutely love watching how the older children look after the younger children. I also love working with all the children from Nursery to year 6.

The area of learning you most enjoy:
I love to get messy with the younger children, You will often find me making playdough and covered in flour!

When I’m with the older children I enjoy listening to them read and I love to read to them!

Favourite book:
I always read Jaqueline Wilson stories when I was younger! Now I love to read Tiddler to my children.

Favourite place in the school:
My favourite place has to be the playground watching all the children interacting with each other and having so much fun!

Mr Charles Whittle


Miss Jan Mitchinson


Miss Haley Storey

Mid Day Supervisor